Salos Sunesis News



31st July 2024

Our Managing Director Grant Wallace will be sharing with the members of  Acipet – Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros de Petróleos on the subject of "Achieving Technical and Human Performance in Complex Wells" This webinar will explore a variety of complex well...

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Applying Project Lessons

Applying Project Lessons

27th January 2023

Previously we talked about effectively capturing lessons.  Here we demonstrate the application of lessons. How has Salos applied this learning process? Start with a review of the: ·         Design / Procedures / Joint operating manual ·    ...

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Project Lessons

Project Lessons

24th January 2023

A project’s lessons are derived from two aspects – those of Process Lessons and of Results Lessons Results Lessons encompass the overall project, task execution and the efforts performed to produce planned results. Process Lessons are derived from the procedures and practices used...

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Salos supporting Borr

Salos supporting Borr

17th October 2022

We are happy to be supporting Borr on their newest project, providing coaching for the crews onshore and offshore   photo credit: RiskCo.

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Simulator Training

Simulator Training

10th October 2022

“A big thank you to the Salos Coaching team. They took us through our simulator training and then came offshore with us and provided training packages which were backed up with one to one coaching. The benefits of this approach were invaluable. The improvement in technical knowledge and...

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Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

4th October 2022

Are your teams onshore and wellsite formally trained in how to conduct risk assessments ? Salos are working with leading organisations, including Operators, who have realised that this is a critical area where competence needs strengthened. In some circumstances Operators are also aware that...

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Readiness to drill audit

Readiness to drill audit

29th September 2022

At Salos we are helping world class teams who understand operational readiness needs to be stress checked prior to project commencement. Our most recent readiness to drill project in Asia is a 6-generation drillship. Plans, people, procedures, systems and equipment not only have to be...

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Rig Start-Up

Rig Start-Up

26th September 2022

Salos are currently supporting another international client with a rig start up. We have extensive experience helping our clients achieve operational readiness. Using our unique auditing, training and coaching systems we accelerate crew competence to build a strong performance culture. Our...

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Psychological Safety Steps

Psychological Safety Steps

23rd September 2022

Embedding a culture of psychological safety has proven to reduce safety incidents by 40% Psychological safety is the perception that you won't face negative consequences or humiliation for asking questions, sharing your opinions, concerns, worries, or errors. We at Salos assist our clients with...

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Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety

20th September 2022

We are helping our clients develop psychological safety within their organisations. What is psychological safety? It is the perception that you won't face negative consequences or humiliation for asking questions, sharing your opinions, concerns, worries, or errors. Knowing that your team will...

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Hiring - Amphion / Cyberbase Coaches

Hiring - Amphion / Cyberbase Coaches

8th September 2022

Salos is seeking additional personnel with extensive Amphion and Cyber experience. Drilling simulator coaching and training experience would be a big advantage, however full training will be given. We also require experienced Performance optimisation coaches for an impending international...

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Human Factors Project

Human Factors Project

2nd September 2022

One of our current Human Factors projects involves working with a senior leadership team. All of these leaders are articulate and are good communicators, but they realised they have communication challenges in their organisation. When we explored their needs, we discovered that they had never...

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1st September 2022

Salos conducted the DWOP & due to it being a remotely located MPD/HPHT well a theme of right-first-time was adopted. Teams were challenged to mitigate the threats to flawless execution. Salos were then engaged to train & coach Operator & Drilling Contractor personnel for this...

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Human Factors Importance

Human Factors Importance

31st August 2022

With the ramp up of drilling & intervention activity, there have been a number of incidents related to procedures. Recent audits and incident reviews have identified that unplanned events are occurring for the following reasons:- ·Not following procedures – knowingly or...

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Organisational Reviews

Organisational Reviews

30th August 2022

Understanding your systems, culture and behavioural patterns is critical. A 360 organisational review allows opportunities and gaps to be identified. Only then can a performance roadmap be created. We align the value drivers throughout your teams and business partners. Our approach sets the...

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Optimising planning and Operations for assurance

Optimising planning and Operations for assurance

29th August 2022

Our MPD experts are able to optimise operations from the desktop to the drill floor, allowing the planning, engineering and development of the optimum MPD solution.  For further details on how Salos can assist you, please get in touch

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Transforming people transforms culture

Transforming people transforms culture

23rd August 2022

Salos are currently working with onshore and offshore teams to build high reliability cultures. We at Salos believe that transforming people transforms culture.

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19th August 2022

We are using our StartRight system on a number of onshore and offshore Start-ups. If you have a rig Start-up please do get in touch and we can share with you how we are helping teams successfully build high reliability operations.

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Safely Delivering Excellence

Safely Delivering Excellence

16th August 2022

Many organisations claim that safety is a top priority, and at the heart of their operations. Despite this many teams are relying on past data to predict what will occur in the future and only investing in their teams and culture when something goes wrong. Salos are helping teams deliver a...

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Does your team know what good communication looks like?

Does your team know what good communication looks like?

9th August 2022

Does your team know what good communication looks like? Being a good communicator is an assumed competence of many leaders and followers, despite the fact that poor communication is a leading factor in errors and accidents. In one of our current Human Factors (HF) projects involves working with...

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Risk Management

Risk Management

4th August 2022

Quite often organisations think that by having risk assessment procedures in place it is enough. However, ensuring that the process is followed is essential. We at Salos bring a wave of knowledge to deliver operational success

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Frontline Supervisors vs Subordinates

Frontline Supervisors vs Subordinates

2nd August 2022

Are you focusing on Frontline supervisors or their subordinates? Salos does a lot of work with Leadership & Frontline supervisors at the wellsite. We coach & deliver modules based around best in class Leadership, Human factors & continuous improvement techniques. Our coaches use...

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Hiring - Amphion / Cyberbase Coaches

Hiring - Amphion / Cyberbase Coaches

1st August 2022

Salos is looking to hire personnel with extensive Drilling simulator coaching and training experience for an Amphion coaching project – immediate (and future Drill well on simulator projects). Based in the Americas. We also require experienced Performance optimisation coaches for an...

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LinkedIn Risk Assessing Poll Results

LinkedIn Risk Assessing Poll Results

22nd July 2022

Health and Safety Regulators are increasingly challenging Operators and Contractors about the robustness of their risk assessments and if their teams have been properly trained in risk assessing. When was your team last trained? We are working with an O&G Super Major to train and coach...

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Risk Assessing Tips 10-12

Risk Assessing Tips 10-12

14th July 2022

One thing all Risk Assessments have in common – they should be completed following a process. Here’s three further tips to help you with effective risk assessing. Tip No. 10Review the risk assessment when circumstances change - this is a live and evolving document from concept...

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Risk Assessing Tips 7-9

Risk Assessing Tips 7-9

13th July 2022

Whatever the process, always engage your workforce. They may know workable solutions.Here’s more Risk Assessing tips to help your teams. Tip No. 7Ask the “what could happen if the controls do not work or they fail, expect the unexpected.” Tip No. 8Consider the hierarchies of...

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Risk Assessing Tips 4-6

Risk Assessing Tips 4-6

12th July 2022

All workers have a right to work in places where risks to their health & safety are properly controlled. Here’s 3 more tips to help your team with assessments. No. 4Understand your barriers. People often only focus on mechanical barriers but there are in fact three types of barriers....

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Risk Assessing Tips 1-3

Risk Assessing Tips 1-3

11th July 2022

No. 1Gather the best multi-disciplinary team possible to participate in the risk assessment. Include all parties who will be involved in the task from planning through to execution.Ensure everyone understands the risk assessment process and their specific responsibilities and what is expected of...

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Does your organisation want better implementation of its risk assessing process?

Does your organisation want better implementation of its risk assessing process?

5th July 2022

All organisations have a risk assessment process, however they may have inefficiencies applying the process, therefore the control of risk is weakened. For example, an operator was served an improvement notice by a Health & Safety Regulator this year in relation to gas monitoring. It was...

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Our Services

Our Services

30th June 2022

Whether it’s onshore or offshore, Salos can enhance your projects at any stage. For example, here’s two ongoing projects, one ashore, one at the rig: We currently have a team offshore working with our client to prepare their crews for an upcoming HPHT project. A simulator in...

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Testimony - HPHT Training Workshop

Testimony - HPHT Training Workshop

28th June 2022

We received a great review from our client on a recent 2-day HPHT training workshop. Salos are working with world-class teams to enhance their performance. Contact us to schedule in your teams onshore workshops

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HPHT Training

HPHT Training

23rd June 2022

Salos are currently delivering 2 days of HPHT training for a challenging well project. Our Wells Manager Tim Morton, in combination with some of our HPHT specialists, have tailored the training specifically for our client’s well and rig requirements.  These workshops are part...

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Well on simulator sessions

Well on simulator sessions

21st June 2022

Salos is about to perform another set of Well on Simulator sessions. A critical component of preparing the the crews for complex operations is to provide them with well & rig specific training & coaching.  We perform this coaching onsite, at the rig, utilising a portable simulator:...

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Operation Start Ups

Operation Start Ups

7th April 2022

Salos have extensive experience helping our clients prepare for rig-start ups onshore and offshore. We strengthen operational readiness, provide training and coaching to improve practices and accelerate crew competence.As an integral part of our performance improvement systems we utilise one...

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Delivering Human Factors With Marine Crews

Delivering Human Factors With Marine Crews

5th April 2022

Salos is currently delivering a long-term coaching project to support vessels that service a client’s deepwater campaign & their intervention program. The Salos coaches are delivering Human factors training (HF) modules & rolling out HF tools & techniques with the crews. In...

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Wells Manager Appointment

Wells Manager Appointment

31st March 2022

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ISO 9001

ISO 9001

30th March 2022

Salos Sunesis are accredited ISO 9001 for another year having successfully completed our regular surveillance audit. We like to extend our thanks to the Salos team for continuingly working to a high standard and delivering continuous improvements internally and to our clients. ISO 9001:2015...

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Leadership Development

Leadership Development

29th March 2022

Leadership development – are you focusing on Frontline supervisors or their subordinates? Salos does a lot of work with Leadership & Frontline supervisors at the wellsite. We coach & deliver modules based around best in class Leadership, Human factors & continuous...

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Accelerate Your Teams Performance

Accelerate Your Teams Performance

21st March 2022

We at Salos believe every person has the potential to perform to a higher level. We are working with leading operators and contractors to help unlock this. Our proven approach transforms skills & behaviours creating higher performing teams who deliver exceptional results. Every positive...

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Human Factors Poll results

Human Factors Poll results

22nd February 2022

In a recent Salos poll we asked what percentage of incidents were primarily due to Human Factors based on a review of 172 well control incidents by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) The majority of the respondents to our poll correctly identified that a staggering...

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Positive Leadership Program

Positive Leadership Program

11th February 2022

Salos are working with senior leadership and wellsite teams, equipping them to transform their behaviours. By applying our Positive Leadership Program we help them unleash the potential of their teams delivering a step change in safety and operational culture. 

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Complex HPHT well

Complex HPHT well

8th February 2022

Salos recently assisted a client on a complex HPHT well. The adjacent well: similar trajectory, casing scheme & hazards, was constructed in 450+ days. Salos worked closely with this client’s planning & operational teams, applying our unique performance top-down & bottom-up...

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Accident & Incident Investigation

Accident & Incident Investigation

4th February 2022

How is your organisation ensuring that it is getting to the real root of the problem and not just the proximate cause, resulting in cutting the head off the weed for it to grow back. How many times are the findings of accident and incident investigations found to be either “Procedures are...

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Business Development Executive Appointment

Business Development Executive Appointment

21st January 2022

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ADC Drilling Middle East Conference

ADC Drilling Middle East Conference

15th December 2021

Salos Managing Director, Grant Wallace presented an SPE paper at the IADC Drilling Middle East Conference this week in Abu Dhabi in conjunction with Drilling Systems and Petronas. The paper discusses Operational Performance Training using High Fidelity Simulations and Advanced Human Performance...

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Complex Well Projects

Complex Well Projects

30th November 2021

Salos continue to support multiple complex well projects.  This year alone we have been involved in exploration, development, intervention and abandonments, unlocking value from early stage gates through to operational training and coaching.  One of our next projects involves...

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Keynote Presentation Human Factors at the IADC/SPE

Keynote Presentation Human Factors at the IADC/SPE

9th September 2021

Join Salos Sunesis Managing Director Grant Wallace online for the Keynote Presentation Human Factors at the IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations Conference & Exhibition which will take place on 14-16 September.

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SPE Virtual Symposium Deepwater 24-26th August 2021

SPE Virtual Symposium Deepwater 24-26th August 2021

16th August 2021

Join us at the SPE Virtual Symposium Deepwater 24-26th August where Ir. Ts. Kuhan Pathy CEng MEI of PETRONAS, Clive Battisby COO of Drilling Systems and Grant Wallace MD of Salos Sunesis Limited present Operational Performance Training using High Fidelity Simulations and Advanced Human...

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Virtual Training and Human Factors

Virtual Training and Human Factors

12th July 2021

Salos has just completed another three days of human factors coaching. Three separate sessions were held in a virtual environment. The end in mind was to prepare personnel for the coaching of observing a team’s performance & capturing lessons in an OTR drilling simulator. Students...

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Improving Well Delivery by Reducing Errors & Influencing Behaviour

Improving Well Delivery by Reducing Errors & Influencing Behaviour

20th April 2021

Salos is about to perform another set of Well on Simulator sessions. A critical component of preparing the the crews for complex operations is to provide them with well & rig specific training & coaching. We perform this coaching onsite, at the rig, utilising a portable simulator: with...

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Delivering an efficient Risk Assessment Process

Delivering an efficient Risk Assessment Process

16th February 2021

The efficient implementation of a mitigation strategy that controls risk creates a competitive advantage that delivers superior returns – thus the effective (or otherwise) management of risks directly impacts a project’s ROI. Hierarchy of hazard controls:ERIC PREVENTS...

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What's the Issue with Risk Assessing?

What's the Issue with Risk Assessing?

11th February 2021

What’s the issue with risk assessing? The challenges in delivering a robust risk assessment process is difficult, but similar across many organisations.  A risk assessing process can be governed by poor principles – for example assessments are often thought of as a ‘to...

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Entering the sphere of true learning

Entering the sphere of true learning

2nd February 2021

Entering the sphere of true learning A project’s lessons are derived from two aspects – those of Process Lessons and of Results Lessons. Results Lessons encompass the overall project, task execution and the efforts performed to produce planned results. Process Lessons are derived...

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Behaviour can drive performance in both directions. Which direction are your team’s behaviours driving your operation?

Behaviour can drive performance in both directions. Which direction are your team’s behaviours driving your operation?

19th January 2021

In a recent Salos Human Factors virtual classroom session we worked with senior leaders of a major Operator. We reviewed two incidents to help them understand how behaviour drives performance and safety.  We tasked the students to make a comparison of the incidents, which involved sudden...

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Christmas Greetings from Salos

Christmas Greetings from Salos

16th December 2020

We decided that this year rather than sending out gifts to our clients we would make a difference to those who need it most in our local community.  Therefore we have made a donation to this great cause #Northernlightsappeal2020 who are helping to 5 charities who support many individuals and...

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The human factor is essential for success

The human factor is essential for success

21st September 2020

Five years ago, an Oil & Gas Industry body recognised that human factors was the ‘next safety frontier’. Can we infer this frontier has neither been reached nor crossed?  eg. ·        80% of incidents are attributed,...

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The Wider Team

The Wider Team

16th September 2020 Thinking about the wider team is critical in creating a one-team approach. In this clip, Mark talks about the recognition of the wider team and the impact this has. Think about the wider team, not just those directly involved. All personnel can be under pressure,...

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9th September 2020 Debriefing together to learn from experiences is critical in continually stepping up to a new level of performance. Mark Stewart talks about the importance of thorough debriefs after training and competition. At the end of a shift (or task if possible) have a short...

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Operations Manager Appointment

Operations Manager Appointment

31st August 2020

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Mark Stewart Introduction

Mark Stewart Introduction

20th August 2020 Salos are delighted to be partnering with professional cyclist Mark Stewart. Mark is a successful road and track cyclist that has represented Great Britain and Scotland at international level. He became a household name at the 2018 Commonwealth Games where he showed...

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Keeping your team briefed

Keeping your team briefed

20th August 2020 In this video from Mark Stewart, we’ll look at ‘Keeping your team briefed’.Mark is a road and track cyclist who has represented Great Britain and Scotland. He’s a gold medallist from the 2018 Commonwealth Games and twice European...

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Being Methodical and Deliberate when making decisions

Being Methodical and Deliberate when making decisions

20th August 2020 In this video from Mark, we’ll look at ‘Decision Making’.Mark Stewart is a road and track cyclist who has represented Scotland and Great Britain. He’s a twice European champion and a gold medal winner from the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Being...

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Leading by being open and inclusive

Leading by being open and inclusive

20th August 2020 In the third of our series Mark looks at ‘Successful Leadership’. Mark Stewart has represented Scotland and Great Britain in road and track cycling. He’s a Commonwealth Games gold medal winner and twice European champion. Leading by being open &...

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Actively manage threats and errors

Actively manage threats and errors

20th August 2020 In this video with Mark Stewart, we look at ‘Threat & Error Management’.Mark is a road and track cyclist who has represented Great Britain and Scotland. He’s a gold medallist from the 2018 Commonwealth Games and twice European...

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Procedures & Checklists

Procedures & Checklists

20th August 2020 Ensuring procedures & checklists are used to support tasks is essential for any successful team. Now Mark Stewart shares with us the importance following procedures and checklists. Test the team by seeking threats that could be introduced if we don’t follow...

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Encouraging everyone to speak up

Encouraging everyone to speak up

20th August 2020 Encouraging everyone to speak up is an essential characteristic of any successful team.Mark shares with us the importance of ensuring everyone in the team share their thoughts and are engaged. We may not all see or understand things in the same way – so ask the...

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Recognise performance limiting factors

Recognise performance limiting factors

20th August 2020 Performance limiting factors In this video, Mark Stewart talks about recognising performance limiting factors and how this is managed.  Look for the stresses that affect performance, such as fatigue, distractions and hunger.  Coach the team to recognise...

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Virtual Engagement - REAL results

Virtual Engagement - REAL results

20th March 2020

With social distancing and travel restrictions in place across the world Salos are continuing to assist our clients with workshops, training and coaching. Our latest virtual workshop will be carried out over 6,000 miles away from our facilitators. Please let us know if we can enhance your...

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"That's the first real DWOP I've ever been to

"That's the first real DWOP I've ever been to

10th March 2020 That was one of the comments from our client last week. The client had consultants deliver the ‘vanilla’ DWOPs before.  They wanted something new that added more value than a mainstream DWOP.  Going through the steps of a phase is one way to...

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Competence Testimonial

Competence Testimonial

24th February 2020

Salos proud to receive such a complimentary testimonial from another client.  

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Where in the world is our latest DWOP?

Where in the world is our latest DWOP?

18th February 2020

Want to win a Salos weight indicator clock? Get your name into the hat. Which city is our latest workshop being held? Where is this beautiful site which is based near to the venue for the first of a set of sessions for a multi-well development program? Draw finishes 29th February.

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Salos desea contratar personal

Salos desea contratar personal

12th February 2020

Salos desea contratar personal con amplia experiencia en pozos de alta presión y alta temperatura (HPHT) para tareas internacionales. Personal de posiciones de liderazgo de primera línea, por ejemplo los ingenieros de perforación de pozos, perforadores, supervisores de...

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Human Factors Competence

Human Factors Competence

11th February 2020

Let’s talk human factors.  How are you addressing human reliability, teamwork and supervision on your new projects or on rig re-activation projects? Competence standards should be established for supervisory personnel which include: ·       ...

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HPHT/MPD Personnel Required

HPHT/MPD Personnel Required

27th January 2020

Salos is looking to hire personnel with extensive HPHT experience for wellsite auditing, coaching and drilling simulator training.  Also require experienced MPD engineers and/or operators.  UK and international assignments.  Please send your cv to

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Human factors coaching for safety coaches

Human factors coaching for safety coaches

20th December 2019

Just completed a training session with a group of safety coaches and leadership team.  What an excellent team to work with – so pleased to work with a group that is so participative.  Thanks everyone for the efforts.

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Real Human Factors

Real Human Factors

10th November 2019

We believe changes in behaviour transform operational delivery.  Performance is driven by culture, which is built through behaviours.  Salos are using leading edge simulation technology and unique performance techniques to deliver Real Human Factors in a way never seen before in the...

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Working right first time

Working right first time

30th October 2019

Salos has just completed a performance project West of Shetland for a drilling contractor.  No equipment downtime during the project.  Found a great new way of sharing task plans on this rig.  Well done team.

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HF Breakfast Meeting

HF Breakfast Meeting

22nd October 2019

Great to be presenting at the Step Change for Safety Human Factors Breakfast meeting this morning.  An opportunity to hear from peers in the industry and get constructive feedback on their views of what we are currently doing.  Looking forward to the next breakfast in December. ...

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Classroom training with simulator

Classroom training with simulator

1st October 2019

Fantastic training sessions with one of the world’s leading drilling contractors at our Aberdeen facility as we prepare crews for their next campaign.  Topics covered included HPHT Managed Pressure Drilling and Human Factors.  Salos received extremely positive feedback from the...

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Salos Sunesis Are Hiring

Salos Sunesis Are Hiring

20th September 2019

Do you have a wealth of HPHT experience which you would like to pass on to others?  We are looking for HPHT coaches to join our team and would like to hear from you if you are interested.  Please send your cv to and visit our website for more information...

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Safety Critical Competence Target Met

Safety Critical Competence Target Met

5th September 2019

Safety critical roles’ compliance target met.  Well done team!  Crew members have achieved the goal of 100% compliance of the standards for safety critical tasks.  Salos created a new competence system for a vessel transferring over to the UKCS.  Get in touch for details.

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Boots on Deck

Boots on Deck

29th August 2019

Boots on deck.  One of the Salos team out with the crew on a competence assurance project at the rigsite.  Working on their safety critical roles assessments.  Nearly there – approaching the compliance target.  Keep up the great work guys!

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Safety Coaching

Safety Coaching

15th August 2019

Just completed another safety coaching assignment on an HPHT project.  Joined the rig in the shipyard & saw the project through to the abandonment phases.  Executed with no well control incidents or safety and environmental issues.  Thanks team for you dedication.

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Linking Well Control Incidents to Human Factors

Linking Well Control Incidents to Human Factors

12th July 2019

A post was recently put up on LinkedIn in relation to a land-rig incident with emphasis on ‘the missed signals leading to a blowout that killed five’ in Jan. 2018. Here’s a breakdown of where/how the human element influences well control incidents.  Just 8% (red slice) of...

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A problem shared

A problem shared

3rd July 2019

Challenging projects -  Sometimes we are faced with a problem which seems insurmountable.  Our client is taking a rig from Norway to UK waters and is facing the challenge of complying with all the UK regulatory requirements prior to operating in the UKCS. Salos were first approached...

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Personnel Required

Personnel Required

18th June 2019

Salos are continuing to enhance our clients' Managed Pressure Drilling projects and are currently looking for dedicated experienced MPD professionals to join our team. Candidates must have a minimum of 10 years drilling related experience and or 5 years specific experience. Please send your cv...

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Human Factors at the DWOP

Human Factors at the DWOP

15th April 2019

Whilst facilitating a recent DWOP for a deepwater project, our client challenged us to demonstrate to the assembled group how we would apply Human Factors at the well-site.  We chose to show the group a decision-making tool that will be practiced with, and used by the crews, on the...

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Excellent Well Delivery

Excellent Well Delivery

4th April 2019

Salos is proud to be part of the well delivery team for a recent HPHT well in the UKCS.  The project began back in 2018 at the RGU drilling simulator, where we worked with the crews utilising our Human Factors’ techniques.  We overloaded the crews with advanced well control under...

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New Premises

New Premises

14th November 2018

Salos is delighted to announce a recent strategic move into new premises due to strong continued growth. The Charter Building at Hill of Rubislaw is a newly refurbished property, (in 2018), with dedicated meeting spaces, break-out areas and best in class facilities. MD of Salos, Grant Wallace...

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Salos are Hiring

Salos are Hiring

27th September 2018

Salos are looking for experienced, specialist personnel.  Please apply by sending CV and quoting position reference to  

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The Blockers to Excellence

The Blockers to Excellence

30th August 2018

“We don’t’ take shortcuts, there’s no place for speeding up here.” - I’m not asking anyone to speed up. “You want us to go faster, don’t you?” I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard this from the leader of an...

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Bob Dickson - Promotion to Operations Director

Bob Dickson - Promotion to Operations Director

13th June 2018

Bob Dickson has been with Salos as Operations Manager since 2016 and we are delighted to report that he has now been appointed as the Operations Director. Before working with Salos Bob has held senior positions such as sub-sea wells manager with Talisman and has over 35 years’...

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New Appointment - Performance Manager

New Appointment - Performance Manager

4th May 2018

Salos are pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Christie, who joins Salos as Performance Manager. Bruce has over 30 years’ experience in the industry and much of this has been in the continuous improvement space. Bruce worked with KCA Drilling before switching over to project...

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Salos Sunesis undergoes MBO & strengthens team with new appointment

Salos Sunesis undergoes MBO & strengthens team with new appointment

26th October 2017

Offshore Oil and Gas, performance improvement specialist, Salos Sunesis has recently carried out a management buy-out, which has enabled director, Grant Wallace to acquire the Aberdeen based company from founder Ty Crandall. The company was formed 21 years ago and during this time the team has...

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Recruitment and selection

Recruitment and selection

2nd August 2017

Salos have recently completed our third round of recruitment, selection and induction days this year.From a large pool of potential personnel we utilised some of our performance tools to select the highest calibre of  candidates to take forward to our induction process. Personnel that we...

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Well Engineering Manager Appointment

Well Engineering Manager Appointment

7th January 2017

With over 40 years of extensive Drilling and Well Engineering experience, Alewijn joins SSL as our Well Engineering Manager. Alewijn has held senior positions in Drilling and Well Engineering with Shell, such as Well Engineering Manager in Sakhalin, Drilling  Engineering Program Director in...

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