Does your organisation want better implementation of its risk assessing process?
5th July 2022

All organisations have a risk assessment process, however they may have inefficiencies applying the process, therefore the control of risk is weakened.
For example, an operator was served an improvement notice by a Health & Safety Regulator this year in relation to gas monitoring. It was found that when monitoring during operations, a reading of over 1 000 ppm of Hydrogen Sulphide was recorded. Subsequently, the operator was unable to demonstrate, quote, “…that a suitable & sufficient risk assessment had been carried out for H2S & the potential exposure to persons…” unquote.
During audits, Salos see recurring pitfalls – which can be:
- Over-reliance on personal memory.
- Risk appetite or tolerance.
- Disconnect between risk assessing team & execution team.
- Decision Making Biases.
- Unconscious reduction of consequence.
We can help your teams better understand ….
- What has the mitigation reduced – is it Likelihood or Consequence?
- Has the mitigation introduced a new hazard or altered another risk?
- Has the mitigation reduced the risk or just moved the risk to another stage?
- Is the mitigation practical / achievable?
If you want to hear more on how Salos is training and coaching well delivery teams to strengthen the risk management process, please contact us on
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