Actively manage threats and errors
20th August 2020

In this video with Mark Stewart, we look at ‘Threat & Error Management’.
Mark is a road and track cyclist who has represented Great Britain and Scotland. He’s a gold medallist from the 2018 Commonwealth Games and twice European champion.
Actively managing Threats & Errors is an essential element of any successful team.
In this clip, Mark Stewart shares with us how he and his team manage threats and errors.
We risk assess...but have you actually operationalised your mitigations? Your mitigations need to consider the unique characteristics of each specific work site and an ever-changing environment. Consider any new threats and errors that could occur during the operation – think about future states.
· Supervisors; stand back far enough to assess the performance of the team.
· Encourage the team to speak up as they see any changes or threats.
· Have a process to measure your team’s understanding of the mitigations.